Saturday, May 18, 2019

Lifestyle and Sustainability Essay

Lifestyle and Sustain efficiency be two different concepts combined together to describe how people should live nowadays. With the matters like the advancement of modern technology, environmental degradation, and pollution, we now consider the best ways to live our lives without jeopardizing our environment and the future generations. Now, were touch on not only about living in comfort and ease, but also about the sustainability of the demesne we live in, of our environment and our resources. Lifestyle is defined as a way of life, the manner by which a person lives.It involves various behaviors and practices regarding ones social relations, consumption, entertainment, and fashion. These behaviors and practices argon composed of various habits, conventional modes of action, and level-headed actions. Simply put, lifestyle is ones style of living it is very personal and depends on the person who lives it. In relation to lifestyle, we come crosswise the concept of sustainability, w hich literally means to sustain or the ability to maintain certain processes or state. Nowadays, sustainability is often connected to how we gentlemans gentleman beings live.Concerns about the environment, pollution, and shortage of resources have dictated us to apply sustainability in every aspect of our lives (Sustainability reportage Program, 2004). We think of sustainable ways to base our homes, use our natural resources, dress up, and grow our food. Somehow, we have connected sustainability with how we live, and it is now considered as a lifestyle. i important aspect of a sustainable lifestyle is food consumption, and in relation to that, we come across the concern of sustainable means of growing our foods.An important issue is brought up when we talk about sustainable means of growing food, and that is the use of pesticides. We are all familiar about pesticides, because it is the conventional means of eradicating the pests in our homes, properties, plants and crops. Howeve r, the use of certain pesticides is deemed as un-sustainable because of the health risks they carry with them (EurActiv, 2008). It can also affect former(a) organisms in the environment aside from the pests that they kill.To better understand pesticides, we need to know more about them, including the history, benefits, types, and other aspects as well. Pesticides have been employ several thousand years ago, being utilized by humans to cherish their crops and plants from pests (Medline Plus, 2009). One of the first known pesticides used was sulfur dusting in Sumeria. In later centuries, mad used toxic chemics like arsenic, mercury and lead to kill pests. Natural pesticides were also used, like nicotine sulfate extracts from baccy leaves, pyrethrum from chrysanthemums, and rotenone from the roots of tropical vegetables.These pesticides benefited man in several ways. The first, and possibly the most common flat coat for pesticide use are for the protection of crops. Pesticides cont ain potent chemic ingredients which kill or deter insects and other pests that consume and destroy mans crops. Another application of pesticides is disease control, regulating or peremptory the organisms which are considered harmful to health. A good example is the use of pesticides to kill mosquitoes which are known carriers of perverting diseases like dengue fever, west Nile virus, and malaria.Insecticides are also used in killing parasites like fleas and ticks in bigger animals like horses and cattle. It is also used to kill termites that can cause structural damage to our homes and dwellings. Overall, pesticides are used in variety of ways, all for the benefit of humans. We can classify pesticides into two major types, chemical or synthetically prepared pesticide, and biological or biochemical pesticide. We are more familiar with chemical pesticides because theyre the conventional pesticides. These are made from various chemical components, like the ones mentioned earlier.Thi s type of pesticide is easier to produce because of the copiousness of their chemical components, and is more potent and is more effective when it comes to killing the pests. The downside of this type however, is that it has harmful implications to the environment and to human health. The other type of pesticide is the biological or biochemical pesticide. This type is produced from plant extracts which can deter or kill insects. The biological pesticides use the natural enemies of certain plant pests. Other insects and spiders are used because they antecede on these pests, regulating their population naturally.References EurActiv. (2008). Pesticides Tough negotiations ahead as MEPs back bans Retrieved April 14, 2009, from http//www. euractiv. com/en/sustainability/pesticides-tough-negotiations-ahead-meps-back-bans/article-176936 Medline Plus. (2009). Pesticides Retrieved April 4, 2009, from http//www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/pesticides. html Sustainability Reporting Program. (20 04). Pollutants, Sustainability, Health, and Environment. Retrieved April 14, 2009, from http//www. sustreport. org/issues/health_env_pollut. html

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