Friday, May 31, 2019

Madness in The Yellow Wallpaper and The Tell-Tale Heart -- English Lit

Madness in The Yellow Wallpaper and The Tell-Tale oculusCompare the portrayal and use of madness in The Yellow Wallpaper byCharlotte Perkins Gilman and The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe.Which story did you prefer and why?The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Tell-TaleHeart by Edgar Allen Poe both suck up characters who in the opinionof other people are insane. The characters hysterical behaviour dueto their insanity is depicted as the stories progress. The YellowWallpaper was written for a reason to demonstrate how women weretreated in society in the 19th Century. The Tell-Tale heart waswritten primarily for the purpose of entertainment.The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and The Tell-TaleHeart by Edgar Allen Poe have both been written in the first person.This is for a number of important reasons. In both stories the maincharacters descent into insanity is effectively portrayed by thecharacters increasingly irrational behaviour and neurotic tho ughts.If the books had not been written in the 1st person then the readerwould not have sex the characters feelings and reactions to events in thebooks. By writing the stories in the first person, the reader is ableto step inside the mind of the character and experience what theythink. Both the stories rely on being written in the first person andwould not work if they had not been written like this.The Yellow Wallpaper is written in a diary form with entries beingadded at different intervals We have been here two weeks, and Ihavent felt like writing before, since that first day. It is anaccount of the characters most personal emotions during the period oftime. She confides in her diary and... ...erred The Tell-Tale Heart forthe following reasons. Firstly I found the womans account in TheYellow Wallpaper, although interesting, a little withal emotional andpersonal to feel comfortable for me to consult to. This may be a genderresponse. On the other hand, I found that I could rel ate more easilyto the dramatic qualities in The Tell-Tale Heart and the progresstowards the final denouement better captured my imagination. Thisstory also felt more timeless which makes it distant easier to relate to.Works CitedPoe, Edgar Allan. The Tell-Tale Heart. Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Ed. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 7th ed. New York Longman, 1999. 33-37.Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Yellow Wallpaper. The Norton Introduction To Literature. Eds. Jerome Beaty and J. Paul Hunter. 7th Ed. New York, Norton, 1998. 2 630-642.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Philosophy Of Truth Making You Free :: essays research papers

The Philosophy of Truth Making You FreeThere exists a philosophy that, the fairness will make you stop. For example,exposing a conspiracy that does yourself and others harm can lone(prenominal) set you freefrom further harm and related mischief. Whether or not the conspirators are thecriminals of society or the highest branches of our own government. blemishspreads like a virus and it needs to be stopped while there is still a way. The perfumes of such an act can only free us and make us more aware of suchcorruptness.Moreover, a conspiracy spawned by criminals in society, to cause harm,will no motion enslave the public both mentally and physically. The society willsee the injustice happening but will not know from where it is being caused.This effect will be expressed in the sort of decisions they make and companythey keep. A more justificatory society cannot feel free until the conspiracy isbrought to light, that is until the truth is told and the harm is stopped,society can not be free.Furthermore, a harmful conspiracy in the highest levels of ourgovernments prevents freedom on a greater scale. If the truth cannot be found inthe government that we elect, then what hope have we for progress. Mistrust andsuspicion will be the tools of this brand of enslavement. If the truth isrevealed then the uncovered conspiracy will free the public from the secrets andlies and in essence keep the government honest.First, the truth will make you free, is an irresponsible statement. Toreveal the truth is not necessarily the best firmness to a conspiracy. When youmake the public aware of all that goes on whether it be what the criminals areup to or the high officials of governments, then a little association causes a lotof unnecessary panic. A public with a truthful knowledge of what criminals havebeen doing will become paranoid beyond belief. They become defensive andsuspicious of every person. That is how the truth can make you a prisoner ofyour own devising.Also, wh en this harmful conspiracy in the higher levels of societybecomes known, then a little truth can cause a lot of harm. The issues that thegovernment deals with are of such great consequence that, they will have to make less-traveled decisions and even make unscrupulous deals and from the products ofthis practice, the public in turn will cause an unparalleled uproar that wouldtear the fabric that holds a society together, if they knew the truth. becausethe truth cannot make you free, because the truth can do more harm than good.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Dealing with Learning Disabilities Essays -- Education Psychology Essa

Dealing with Learning Disabilities Hell know things unity day, simply not the next. She is seeing or writing words or numbers backwards. She has difficulty grasping simple concepts. These are comments made by teachers who have classified certain students in their schoolroom as having the unfortunate burden of a learning disability. A learning disability is a disorder in one or more of the grassroots psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations(Metzger, 1983, p7). Students with learning disorders may exhibit difficulty learning in a number of ways. Such conditions as perceptual handicaps, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia all contribute to learning disabilities. Students that suffer from visual, auditory or motor handicaps, mental retardation, or emotional disturbance endure these akin learning disabilities, but are usually more severe. These select students with diverse handicaps may encounter barriers that obstruct their success in education. When such barriers occur, adaptive engineering science is the appropriate solution. Adaptive technology is available for students on all different levels with numerous diverse learning disabilities and has played an important role is assisting these students to develop needful skills for their academic success.In the home, classroom, workplace, and community, adaptive technology is enabling individuals with disabilities to be more independent, self-confident, productive, and better incorporated into the mainstream (Kelker, 1997). Educational Encyclopedias define the technology of ... ...the potential psychological deform and possible negative social ramifications of having to rely continually upon others (Raskind & Bryant, 1997).It is quite obvious to comprehend that adaptive technology has proved to be an effective tool for circumscribed education students along with any other individual with a disability. There is an adaptive piece of easily accessible technological equipment for any disability one is attempting to overcome. Such powerful tools within a learning milieu offer numerous directions through which to reach special education students and to adapt the learning environment to the students needs. The adaptive technologies available within todays educational arena have the ability not only to develop the skills of a disabled learner, but also to help a student in need attempt to receive thenormal, good quality education they deserve.

On The Road- A Success? :: essays research papers

"On the Road"- a success?So much open space- international nautical mile after mile of cities, towns, Waffle Houses, and a whole lot of whatnot. Theres such a feeling of freedom on a road trip, just sticking your head surface the window to let the breeze of every place that passes, cover your face. So much is taken in, yet so little, you find its hard to stop to sleep or feed yourself. Youre driving to get some(prenominal)where, but that somewhere doesnt matter, all that matters is driving and letting the wind take you. Friends, yell at attractive batch as you pass, Or fighting with family, arguing about whos going to eat the last piece of string cheese. Its all about the moment and what you choose to do with it. "On the Road", a novel written by Jack Kerouac, contains many such road trips during a time in life called the wave generation. Its an extraordinary tale of two young men searching for things they dont even realize until they get to their destinations a nd when they reach those destinations all they want to do is drive.In first reading "On the Road", one might find it a touch absurd and slightly confusing. The writing goes in all directions and who is this dean guy anyway? Upon reading the novel a second time theres this fascination with all the characters and their actions. The tale unfolds with Salvatore Paradise, called simply Sal. Sal is a writer, in his thirties, living in New Jersey (his whole life). He becomes obsessed (it seems) with a guy named Dean Moriarty. Dean is an interesting character- a con and a womanizer he still becomes a guy that readers would want to be pals with. Dean and Sal have an interesting relationship, but for the most part they seem like good friends. after Dean moves out of Sals apartment (after conning his way into it), he moves around, getting married and not really settling down. So this leads to Sal, out of sheer boredom, to pack some things and head out on a road trip, with no car and f ifty bucks in his pocket. Off he goes on a wild adventure, overture to many stops along his way to California. From there the story gets kind of repetitive, with Sal going back and forth across the country and Dean still up to all his craziness.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Kanye West :: essays research papers

Singer/Songwriter for this EraHe may serious seem same another knocker to you but if you actually listen to his lyrics you can see hes not like any rapper out there. His name is Kanye West and he was born in Chicago Illinois. He grew up in the ghetto and percolateed to care for life. He didnt learn to really, truly appreciate life until October of 2002. Driving arse to his hotel late one night later a recording session, the new-coming rap/ strike operative was refer in a devastating, near fatal car accident. The crash left him with a broken jaw in three places and an preference for life. Just weeks after being released from the hospital he recorded his first major put on, Through the Wire, with his mouth unflurried wired shut. He records every call option like its passing game to be his last song and that makes every song better than the last. Hes not only a rap artist but in like manner a producer. He has been responsible for being behind songs like Jay-Zs Izzo, Girl s, Girls, Girls, The Takeover, and 03 Bonnie and Clyde.Through the Wire was his first hit and it hit hard. With lyrics likeI must got a angel/ Cuz look like death missed his ass/ Unbreakable/ What you thought they call me Mr. Glass/ I look back on my life like the ghost of Christmas past/ Toys R Us where I used to spend that Christmas cash/ And I still wont grow up/ Im a grown ass kid/ So I should be like other stupid s**t that I did/ But Im a champion/ So I turned tragedy to triumph/ Make music thats fire/ Spit my soul through the wires. guide the lyrics and youll see wherefore its so universal. If you listen to the beats and the rhythm youll really understand. One of his most controversial songs came later in his career, it was titled Jesus Walks, many people didnt want this song to be played but radios did it any way and so did MTV. There is one verse of the song that makes you appreciate his workTo the hustlers, killers, murderers, dose dealers, even us crippers.../(Jesus walk s with them)/To the victims of welfare feel we living in hell here, hell yea.../(Jesus walks with them)/Now hear ye hear ye wanna see thee more than clearly/I know He hear me when my feet get weary/Cause were the almost nearlyKanye West essays research papers Singer/Songwriter for this EraHe may just seem like another rapper to you but if you actually listen to his lyrics you can see hes not like any rapper out there. His name is Kanye West and he was born in Chicago Illinois. He grew up in the ghetto and learned to appreciate life. He didnt learn to really, truly appreciate life until October of 2002. Driving back to his hotel late one night after a recording session, the new-coming rap/hip-hop artist was involved in a devastating, near fatal car accident. The crash left him with a broken jaw in three places and an appreciation for life. Just weeks after being released from the hospital he recorded his first major hit, Through the Wire, with his mouth still wired shut. He recor ds every song like its going to be his last song and that makes every song better than the last. Hes not only a rap artist but also a producer. He has been responsible for being behind songs like Jay-Zs Izzo, Girls, Girls, Girls, The Takeover, and 03 Bonnie and Clyde.Through the Wire was his first hit and it hit hard. With lyrics likeI must got a angel/ Cuz look like death missed his ass/ Unbreakable/ What you thought they call me Mr. Glass/ I look back on my life like the ghost of Christmas past/ Toys R Us where I used to spend that Christmas cash/ And I still wont grow up/ Im a grown ass kid/ So I should be like other stupid s**t that I did/ But Im a champion/ So I turned tragedy to triumph/ Make music thats fire/ Spit my soul through the wires.Read the lyrics and youll see why its so universal. If you listen to the beats and the rhythm youll really understand. One of his most controversial songs came later in his career, it was titled Jesus Walks, many people didnt want this song to be played but radios did it any way and so did MTV. There is one verse of the song that makes you appreciate his workTo the hustlers, killers, murderers, drug dealers, even us crippers.../(Jesus walks with them)/To the victims of welfare feel we living in hell here, hell yea.../(Jesus walks with them)/Now hear ye hear ye wanna see thee more clearly/I know He hear me when my feet get weary/Cause were the almost nearly

Kanye West :: essays research papers

Singer/Songwriter for this EraHe may just seem handle another(prenominal) rapper to you just if you actually listen to his lyrics you can see hes not standardized any rapper out there. His name is Kanye due west and he was innate(p) in Chicago Illinois. He grew up in the ghetto and learned to appreciate intent. He didnt learn to authentically, truly appreciate life until October of 2002. Driving foul to his hotel late one night after a recording session, the new-coming rap/hip-hop artist was involved in a devastating, advance fatal simple machine accident. The crash left him with a broken jaw in three places and an appreciation for life. Just weeks after being released from the hospital he recorded his showtime major hit, Through the Wire, with his mouth still wired shut. He records every nisus like its going to be his last poem and that makes every song better than the last. Hes not only a rap artist moreover also a producer. He has been responsible for being substru cture songs like Jay-Zs Izzo, Girls, Girls, Girls, The Takeover, and 03 Bonnie and Clyde.Through the Wire was his first hit and it hit hard. With lyrics likeI must got a saint/ Cuz look like death missed his rear end/ Unbreakable/ What you thought they call me Mr. Glass/ I look back on my life like the ghost of Christmas aside/ Toys R Us where I used to spend that Christmas cash/ And I still wont grow up/ Im a grown ass kid/ So I should be like other stupid s**t that I did/ But Im a champion/ So I turned tragedy to triumph/ Make music thats fire/ Spit my soul through the wires.Read the lyrics and youll see why its so universal. If you listen to the overcome and the rhythm youll really understand. One of his most controversial songs came later in his career, it was titled Jesus Walks, many people didnt want this song to be played but radios did it any way and so did MTV. There is one verse of the song that makes you appreciate his workTo the hustlers, killers, murderers, drug dea lers, even us crippers.../(Jesus walks with them)/To the victims of social welfare feel we backup in hell here, hell yea.../(Jesus walks with them)/Now reveal ye hear ye wanna see thee more clearly/I know He hear me when my feet get labor/Cause were the almost nearlyKanye West essays research papers Singer/Songwriter for this EraHe may just seem like another rapper to you but if you actually listen to his lyrics you can see hes not like any rapper out there. His name is Kanye West and he was born in Chicago Illinois. He grew up in the ghetto and learned to appreciate life. He didnt learn to really, truly appreciate life until October of 2002. Driving back to his hotel late one night after a recording session, the new-coming rap/hip-hop artist was involved in a devastating, near fatal car accident. The crash left him with a broken jaw in three places and an appreciation for life. Just weeks after being released from the hospital he recorded his first major hit, Through the Wir e, with his mouth still wired shut. He records every song like its going to be his last song and that makes every song better than the last. Hes not only a rap artist but also a producer. He has been responsible for being behind songs like Jay-Zs Izzo, Girls, Girls, Girls, The Takeover, and 03 Bonnie and Clyde.Through the Wire was his first hit and it hit hard. With lyrics likeI must got a angel/ Cuz look like death missed his ass/ Unbreakable/ What you thought they call me Mr. Glass/ I look back on my life like the ghost of Christmas past/ Toys R Us where I used to spend that Christmas cash/ And I still wont grow up/ Im a grown ass kid/ So I should be like other stupid s**t that I did/ But Im a champion/ So I turned tragedy to triumph/ Make music thats fire/ Spit my soul through the wires.Read the lyrics and youll see why its so universal. If you listen to the beats and the rhythm youll really understand. One of his most controversial songs came later in his career, it was titled J esus Walks, many people didnt want this song to be played but radios did it any way and so did MTV. There is one verse of the song that makes you appreciate his workTo the hustlers, killers, murderers, drug dealers, even us crippers.../(Jesus walks with them)/To the victims of welfare feel we living in hell here, hell yea.../(Jesus walks with them)/Now hear ye hear ye wanna see thee more clearly/I know He hear me when my feet get weary/Cause were the almost nearly

Monday, May 27, 2019

Kes the Play

kes In this assignment I am writing about the play c all in alledkeshow Barry Hines the author of Kes brought his characters to life. He has gone into great detail and time to produce this play by trying to bring his characters to reality by their language , the surroundings of that area and the tog they wear. The area where this scene is set is in a rough, unpleasant place, Barnsley. Although Barnsley is local to us, it is an industrial escapeing class area were poor unwealthy people go to work and try to make end meet to feed their families.All these characters show how they act as normal on an ordinary day, because Barry Hines needed to regain across the description that effect his characters in the play. Billy did not have a good relationship between his family his mom and buddy. His mom does not care for Billy, all she wants to do is go to parities and knockabout with men, this shows that her children dont come first in her life. Billy clothes are dirty and appalling with all tolds and stains in them because he doesnt wash his clothes.In the morning when he wakes up his mom doesnt leave tea in the pot for him and tells him to go to the obtain for her to deprave cigs, before he goes to school, so Billy will be late, Billy runs out the house and goes to school after having an argument with his mom to go to the shop for cigs. His mom doesnt have any money for him for hi school dinner because she spent it the night before or she needs it for the night ahead. Billys brother Jud steals his snap for school and takes his bike so Billys got nothing for school.Jud went out one night and got really drunk when he came home, Jud woke Billy up to undress him because he was too drunk to do it himself, it is the only way Billy can get his own back by slapping and shouting at him you drunken sow og pig bastard. Billys school life is not much better than his home life his school is run down, horrible and dirty. He thinks the whole world is against him and does get along with other kids in school he doesnt knock about with any mates accept his kestrel bird.Barry Hines the other of Kes describes a bewildering scene into which Billy fits appropriately when he is fighting over a schoolmate over his brother Im not frightened of him that would be if he were here I bet I know somebody who could fight him. Soon the fight broke out in the playground everyone collected round. There is one teacher in the school that takes and interest in Billy due to the hawk. He helped Billy against McDowel so Billy would not get into trouble.The teacher Mr Farthering finds out about Billys hawk and asked if he could see the bird. The kestrel is the only pleasure Billy gets in his life, he instal it in the formers land in the forest and asked if he could have it, ever since he has owned Kes (name of the bird) hes been training it, he was so elicit in this bird he went to the library to find a book on kestrel tho he was not allowed to take it out because he was not a member so he stole it, because Billy was not wealthy his brother and him had to share a bed together.Billy has a paper round, when he goes to collect his papers he steals chocolates and drinks he does this because he is hungry and he probably doesnt get enough food at home. Billy does his papers in a bad area, the owner of the newsagent Mr Potter tell Billys brother Jud gave Billy ? 10 to go and bet on a hoarse, so he went down prepared to bet for Jud as he was down there, Billy spoke to one of Juds mates and said it wasnt worth betting on that hoarse, well Billy did not need to be told twice so he used the money to buy food for him and his bird.As briefly as Jud found out his hoarse won and there was no bet on it he went looking for Billy, but Billy hid every time he saw his brother, so Jud stopped looking and went to find Billys only friend in the world and killed his hawk. As soon as Billy found his bird he ran and buried it in the field and went to bed.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Isolationism: Franklin Delano Roosevelt and United States Government Essay

After the events leading up to World struggle I and also the aftermath of the war itself, the get together States government decided to take a second look at their policy of isolationism and also their foreign policy. That second look caused plenty of controversies in the midst of the great deal in America who supported a return to isolationism and also those who wished to see a change in get together Sates by taking a oft more active role in not only European affairs, but world affairs in general.In the mid to late 1930s, president Franklin Delano Roosevelt among other government officials and even some Ameri nates citizens were very fond of taking up a policy of isolationism after World War 1. In Document 2, the president clearly states that war is just ilk a contagion, a virus that should be avoided indefinitely. President Roosevelt was dead set on memory the United States out of the war by all means necessary. He wanted peace and did not agree with the idea that countri es seemed to be fighting for no reason other than that they were bigger and stronger than the opposed. In Document 3, Senator Robert A. Taft was opposed to the United States entering the war in Europe because he believed that due to World War 1, democracies were destroyed and dictatorships were set up in place of them. American citizens supported a policy of isolationism because they felt war was far too costly and resulted in a very high death toll of not only American citizens but citizens worldwide.Soon after, between the spring of 1940 and the start of 1941, public judgment began to shift from the support of isolationism to an opposition of the policy. In Document 5, you can see that instead of staying out of war, American citizens began to want to aid Britain in the fight against Germany. another(prenominal) event that altered public opinion was the fall of France. While many people disagreed with the shift in public opinion by saying things like Charles Lindbergh said, If the principles of democracy mean anything at all, that is reason enough for us to stay out as seen in Document 7. However in Document 8, you can see that there is a clear opposition to a policy of isolationism. Basically the public believed that if Hitler and the Nazi regime werent stopped, then they would attack the United States. The concern was that if Britain was conquered, it was open the ocean ways of the Atlantic, which in turn would cause a major threat.Regardless of the supporters of a policy of isolationism, the United States supported the war and was soon enough involved in the fight against Germany. Since then, the United States has played an extremely active role in European and other world affairs. We imbibe become an ally to plenty and an enemy to some. And just as there had been during World War 1, there are still existing controversies on isolationism between American citizens and also between the government.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Best Snacks Problem Solution

Running head PROBLEM SOLUTION BEST SNACKS INC. Problem Solution topper Snacks Inc. Taleish M. Daniels University of Phoenix Problem Solution opera hat Snacks Inc. outflank Snacks, Inc. , a 150-year- overage union which has been held publicly for more than coke years, has traditionally held the number single or two positions in the bite market, providing an excellent and stable investment for stockholders. But in the gone several(prenominal) years, Best Snacks sales have been slipping, market share has fall and, particularly in the past(a) two years, stock prices have taken a dive.This year, the company leave finish a very weak second, and with several smaller competitors emerging as major players in the snack industry, Best Snacks is in danger of losing its long-held premier standing in the snack market, (University of Phoenix, 2010, 2). In sum total to these issues, the employees at Best Snacks are unsettled and feeling as if management does non value their opinions an d has not done a good job of promoting substructure. In fiat to succeed, Best Snacks must tackle the challenges of its failing produce line as well as find a way to shoot the upcountry climate with employees back to a state of resolution.Describe the Situation Issue and Opportunity Identification Best Snacks is facing a number of issues. Declining sales, complacency, and a escape of motivation within the employees due to the absence of manager support have all contri alo wish to the current state. By taking a close construction at its competitors and studying opposite supremacyful g all overnances the leading at Best Snacks can retain some of its anterior success. Capitalizing on the revolutionary changes in leadership, Best Snacks has the fortune to restructure their organization in a way that go out foster an environment of creativity and unveiling.As stated, both sales and market share at Best Snacks has seen a decline. The opportunity presented is for the leaders hip at Best Snacks to evaluate the organizations current process to determine how they can keep up with the competition. A radical innovation is a world-shattering change that simultaneously affects both the furrow model and the technology of a company. Radical innovations usually bring fundamental changes to the competitive environment in an industry, (Davila, Epstien, & Shelton, 2006, p. 51).Contributing to the declining sales is the fact that there have been no product or service innovations in the past five years instead, previous(prenominal)ly successful market methods have been improved or extended. Successful organizations tend to become complacent and conservative in order to preserve their core competenciesthose things that lead to their success. This is crystalline and largely advantageous in the short-term. Paradoxically, the things that led to their success could be the very things in the long-term that pull them into failure, (Davila, Epstien, & Shelton, 2006, p. 239).By designing new marketing methods that are completely disparate from anything that has been done before, Best snacks can return to their customer base with a fresh cuddle that lead draw people to their products. A instruction organization is an organization that purposefully designs and constructs its structure, close, and strategy so as to enhance and maximize the potential for organisational learning (explorative and exploitative) to take place, (Jones, 2004, p. 377). Currently many employees at Best Snacks do not project the importance of innovation and have forgotten how to gravel and consume creative ideas.Most of this stems from the fact that managers do not support creativity and innovation, another(prenominal) issues facing Best Snacks. Employees believe that they are not supported in their ideas and independent thinking. One of the key roles of the CEO is to make innovation part of the culture of the company. The CEO need to make certain that quislingism oc curs and becomes part of the culture. Steve Jobs whole shebang this critical cultural angle at Apple by being the clear leader of innovation and thrust hard to ensure that there is efficient collaboration between the technology and business folks, (Davila, Epstien, & Shelton, 2006, p. 58 & 259). The leadership at Best Snacks should use this opportunity to support and encourage organization learning, pullulateing culture that is ripe for innovation through leading by example and pushing for employees to come up with new ideas. Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical predicaments Though Best Snacks is facing a number of issues, trey main stakeholder perspectives and ethical dilemmas have been identified. The first is between Best Snacks and the competition. Both Best Snacks and its competing businesses have a vested interest in their psyche corporations.Each would like to be the number one holder of sales and market share in their industry. In their quest to be number one, it is the function of each organization to utilize fair business practices, and conduct themselves with satinpod and integrity. Another stakeholder perspective is the leadership of Best Snacks versus their employees. The employees at Best Snacks feel that leadership does not value their opinions and has not created an environment open for innovation and creativity. Though management sees the need for employees to develop a creative mindset, they are unsure active the best ways to utilize those skills.Both management and the employees need to be downright about what theyre needs and expectations are. Opening the door to communication entrust digest them to work together as a unit. oversight has the responsibility to come up to employees with fairness and respect, arrest that although their titles may be lower in rank, their opinions and go for to initiate the organization is what will ultimately lead Best Snacks into their next stage of success. The last ethical dilemma that was ident ified is Best Snacks versus itself.As a corporation, Best Snacks is rightfully concerned that they are seeing a significant falling off in sales. In their quest to retain success, Best Snacks must be careful to not violate any copyright infringement laws while studying their competition and creating their own new products. Frame the Right Problem Best Snacks will become a leader in the snack industry once again by promoting creative and innovative learning within the organization that will inspire a new product lines and allow them to compete with the competition. Describe the End-State VisionBest Snacks held on to its top position in the snack industry by promoting innovation within their organization. Though the industries may vary, the characteristics of innovative organizations are often similar. Studies have shown that innovative workplaces share six cultural characteristics circumstance rich, customer close, confidence structure, curious, challenging, and collaborative, (Da niels, 2010). Innovative organizations have leaders that cultivate creativity by allowing employees to be themselves and encouraging the development of new ideas.Brainstorming and team building activities play a large part in how these companies create, (Daniels, Watts-Holley, Mobley, & Rauschenbach, 2010). Capitalizing on these traits, Best Snacks was able to energize their employees and push for organizational learning, and team building that enabled them to create new product lines, modernize the previous products therefore maintaining their previous customer bases as well as capturing a new audience. Identify the Alternatives and Benchmarking Validatio Based on the opportunities given, three main alternatives have been identified.First, instead of promoting organizational learning, management can select a few employees for individual learning. Managers would select employees to serve on special teams. in that respects team members would then go through a series of individual an d group learning to implement programs within the organization. Another alternative is for previous marketing methods to be revisited in an effort to appeal to the standard customer base. Leadership at Best Snacks can attempt to capture their previous success by reconnecting with their audience through an analysis of what has worked in the past.The third alternative identified is to make no radical changes, choosing to stick with incremental or semi-radical innovation. By utilizing incremental innovation, Best Snacks can wring out as much value as possible from be products or services without making significant changes or major investments. Semi-Radical creative activity on the other hand involves substantial change to either the business model or technology of an organizationbut not to both, (Davila, Epstien, & Shelton, 2006). Evaluate the Alternatives In add-in three there were two goals that were ranked at a number five.The first goal, design new marketing methods that are com pletely distinct from those of the past was chosen to stimulate creativity within the organization. Best Snacks has already spent and ample amount of time redeveloping ideas of the past and needs a fresh approach to capturing their audience. The second goal that was ranked at a number five is for the management to promote organizational full learning. One of the reasons Best Snacks is in the position theyre in is because at some point the organization stopped learning. Management began to discourage the innovation and creativity that once the key to the companys success.As a result, the entire team at Best Snacks employees as well as management need to go back to square one in learning the organization, its customers and products. Narrowed List of Alternatives The best alternative chosen are to revisit the previous marketing methods to capture some of the past product success, and to implement semi-radical change. Although it is clear based on the goals that it would be best for B est Snacks to make a complete 360 item turn around with their business structure and approach to marketing, the cost of doing so could defeat take a toll on the companys pecuniary resource due to its declining sales.As a result, it may be better for the organization to take things slow implementing plainly a semi-radical change program and revamping some of the previous marketing methods. Due to the fact that the organization was highly successful not as well as long ago, it may be worth taking a look at some of the processes that were in place during that time, examining whether or not success can be generated by reinventing the wheel as opposed to starting over completely. Identify and Assess RisksThe remaining alternatives select a few employees for individual learning and implement incremental change have been identified as having too many risks to utilize in the future plans of Best Snacks. In selecting just a few employees, the leadership does not tackle the real issue of ensuring that innovation is stimulated on an organizational wide scale. It seems that an incremental change approach is what put Best Snacks in the position that they are in now. In only considering the bottom line while ignoring the significant changes that mandatory to be made in the product lines and processes has cost the organization in sales.With both alternative, Best Snacks runs the probably chance that no changes will be made, leaving the organization to continue its decline. Make the Decision Best Snacks will utilize radical innovation to develop customized, strategic marketing plans for their current product lines and formulate teams within the organization to design new products. Management and employees will work together to energize not only each other but the customer with anticipation of whats to come.Creative advertising campaigns, team building exercises, and consistent attention to employee needs by management will position Best Snacks in the upper echelon of the snack industry. Founded in 1998, Google has obtained success by being one of the most innovative net search engines in the world. The company name, Google is in fact a play on the word googol, the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros. The name reflects the immense volume of information that exists, and the scope of Googles mission to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful, (Google, 2010).With over 150 domains in different names and languages, advertising applications, and a phone, and its own internet browser, Google Chrome, the leadership and employees at Google are continuously coming up with new ideas on how to make their existing products better and challenging themselves to create new products that will speak to their consumer needs. Googles philosophy is embedded with a number of approaches to the principles of their organization and how they will conduct business. specifically when it comes to design the company believes 1. Focus on people their lives, their work, and their dreams. . Every millisecond counts. 3. Simplicity is powerful. 4. Engage beginners and attract experts. 5. Dare to innovate. 6. Design for the world. 7. pattern for todays and tomorrows business. 8. Delight the midsection without distracting the mind. 9. Be worthy of peoples trust. 10. Add a human touch, (Daniels, Watts-Holley, Mobley, & Rauschenbach, 2010). In capitalizing on the success of organizations such as Google and the competing snack corporations, as well as returning(a) their focus back to the people, Best Snack will move into the future retaining their top slot as an industry leader.Develop and Implement the Solution In order to develop and implement the solution, Best Snacks must be strategic in their next steps. To take place immediately, Elizabeth Fairchild must devise a participation management plan for employees and managers to have better communication. In order for innovation to thrive employees must first i ron out the issues they have amongst each other as well as management. Getting the problems out on the table will be the first step to opening the door to communication needed for innovation and creativity.Within the next ninety days, Sabrina McKay will develop a plan for team brainstorming. Working with Elizabeth Fairchild, a plan for organizational learning will be put into place to stimulate the employees and get them thinking about whats next for the organization. Within six months, new product lines should be developed. These lines will be a culmination of the ideas of each person from the management team as well as the employees. Evaluate the Results External success for Best Snacks will be measure by evaluation of the next quarter sales and earnings.Because the ultimate goal of the organization is to affix sales and market share in an effort to remain competitive in the industry, short term review goals are deemed best for a clear understanding of whether newly implemented m arketing ideas and approaches are working. There are certain marketing elements every (startup) entrepreneur should track to grow and become more profitable. The key indicators are leads generated, leads converted, average horse per transaction and average number of transactions per customer. Though the notion of tracking may feel like overkill, focus and improvement spring from the habit of constant measurement.In creating a baseline, it will be much easier to focus the strategies and actions on the right areas of the business, (Jantsch,2009). Internal measurements for determining success will be to administer another company-wide survey and small focus groups. Leadership must remain in constant communication with the Best Snack employees to ensure that most, if not all needs are being met and that satisfactions with encouraging innovation and creativity amongst employees is felt. Conclusion Best Snacks has the potential to maintain its position in the snack industry. Though the s ituation looks bleak, it is not as bad as it seems.The main issue for Best Snacks is that theyve never been in this space before. As long as management uses this opportunity to grow and learn the ills of complacency the organization should be able to avoid being placed in this position again. References Daniels, T. , Watts-Holley, J. , Mobley, A. , Rauschenbach, L.. (2010). Best Snacks Benchmarking Worksheet. Retrieved from MMPBL550 Creativity, Innovation, and Organizational Design website. Davila, T. , Estien, T. J. , & Shelton, R. (2006). Making Innovation Work How To Manage It, Measure It, and Profit From It.Upper Saddle River, NJ Wharton School Publishing. Jantsch, J. (2009). 4 rhythmic pattern For Measuring Success 4 key rhythmic pattern can help you determine if your brand-building is working. Retrieved from http//www. entrepreneur. com/magazine/entrepreneur/2009/february/199732. html Jones , G. (2004). Organizational Theory, Design, and Change (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle Rive r, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc. University of Phoenix. (2010). Best Snacks Scenario. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, MMPBL550 CREATIVITY, INNOVATION, AND ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN website. put back 1 Issues and Opportunities Identification Issues Opportunities Reference to Specific Course Concept Best Snacks sales have been slipping, marketEvaluate the organizations current A radical innovation is a significant change that share has decreased process to determine how they can keep up simultaneously affects both the business model and the with the competition. technology of a company. Radical innovations usually bring fundamental changes to the competitive environment in an industry, (Davila, Epstien, & Shelton, 2006, p. 51). There have been no product or service Design new marketing methods that are Successful organizations tend to become complacent and innovations in the past five years instead,completely different from anything that conservative in order to pres erve their core previously successful marketing methods havehas been done before. competenciesthose things that lead to their success. been improved or extended This is logical and largely advantageous in the short-term.Paradoxically, the things that led to their success could be the very things in the long-term that pull them into failure, (Davila, Epstien, & Shelton, 2006, p. 239). Not many people seem to understand the Management can promote learning within theA learning organization is an organization that importance of innovation. Worse, they seem organization. purposefully designs and constructs its structure, to have forgotten how to develop and culture, and strategy so as to enhance and maximize the implement creative ideas. potential for organizational learning (explorative and exploitative) to take place, (Jones, 2004, p. 377). Employees feel that creativity/innovation isManagement can develop a culture that is One of the key roles of the CEO is to ma ke innovation not encouraged and that their ideas are not ripe for innovation through leading by part of the culture of the company. The CEO needs to supported by management. example and pushing for employees to come make certain that collaboration occurs and becomes part up with new ideas. of the culture.Steve Jobs works this critical cultural angle at Apple by being the clear leader of innovation and pushing hard to ensure that there is effective collaboration between the technology and business folks, (Davila, Epstien, & Shelton, 2006, p. 258 & 259). Table 2 Stakeholder Perspectives and Ethical Dilemmas Stakeholder Perspectives and Ethical Dilemmas Stakeholder Groups with Competing Values The Interests, Rights, and The Ethical Dilemma Based on the Competing Values of Each Group Values List Group X versus Group Y Best Snacks vs. the competition Both Best Snacks and the competition have a vested It is the responsibility of each organization interest in their individual corporations. Each would in their quest to be number one to do utilize like to be the number one holder of sales and market fair business practices, and conduct themselves share in their industry. with honesty and integrity. Best Snacks Leadership vs. he The employees at Best Snacks feel that leadership does Both management and the employees need to be employees not value their opinions and has not created an honest about what theyre needs and environment for open innovation and integrity. Though expectations are. Opening the door to management sees the need for employees to develop a communication will allow them to work together creative mindset, they are unsure about the best ways as a unit. Management has the responsibility to to utilize those skills. treat employees with fairness and respect, understanding that although their titles may be lower in rank, their opinions and desire to grow the organization is what will ultimately lead Best Snacks into their next phase of success. Best Snacks vs. tself As a corporation, Best Snacks is rightfully concerned In their quest to retain success, Best Snacks that they are seeing a significant decrease in sales. must be careful to not violate any copyright infringement laws while studying their competition and creating their own new products. Table 3 Analysis of Alternative Solutions pic Table 4 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Risk Assessment and Mitigation Alternative Risks and Probability Consequence and austereness Mitigation Techniques and Strategies Select a few employees for By selecting only a few employees The organization may find itself Instead of managers randomly selecting individual learning for individual learning, Best Snacksin the same position as right now,employees, they could ask for leadership will have only barely it is clear that not enough volunteers, or use a mixture of touched the issue of many not employees understan d the process experience and tenure to make the understanding creativity and of innovation to a point where selection innovation. they can move the company forward. Also, in selecting only a few employees issues of favoritism and feeling left out could occur amongst workers. Implement Incremental change Though incremental innovation would Utilizing incremental change couldInstead of incremental innovation, Best save the company money it would not put Best Snacks back in the same Snacks should utilize another approach address the most important issue of position. that would allow them to tackle the stimulating creativity and core of the issues. innovation within the employees. This would cost the company in the long run as they run the risk of continuing the sales decline. Table 5 Pros and Cons of Alternative Solutions Alternative Pros Cons Revisit previous marketing methods to capture Methods used during the companys most These methods a re old and no longer appeal to past success successful times have already been tested the target audience the reason Best Snacks is in their current state Implement semi-radical change Extreme change will be made to certain portionsBest Snacks is no longer in a position where of the organization. small changes are acceptable. They need fast, extreme change to catch up to the competition Table 6 Optimal Solution Implementation Plan Action Item Deliverable Timeline Who is Responsible Develop a plan for team brainstorming and innovation90 days Sabrina McKay Create new product lines 6 months Sabrina McKay, Bill Santoro, Jennifer Heartwell, Martin Hernandez, Dale Chin Devise conflict management plan for employees and Immediately Elizabeth Fairchild managers to have better communication Table 7 Evaluation of Results End-State Goals Metrics Target Management and employees will develop and Employee survey 85-90% satisfaction maintain open communication. Best Snacks increase sale and market share. Industry reports 70% increase

Friday, May 24, 2019

Primary Commodity Exports and Civil War Essay

Fearons study particularly pertains to the evaluation on which particular countries are actually prone to undergoing situations such as civil wars. In this article, he along with his co-researchers found out certain elements that contribute to the increase of threat towards the possibility of a country undergoing a civil outburst. According to the said researchers, the just about important issues that needs consideration on this part of the situation is the emergence of countries that are involved in primary commodity export appointments in the line of international trade.Apparently, it is in this article that poverty has been noted to be a reactive result of several globalization approaches which also brings about the possibility of complaisant chaos giving way to civil war. The bridge that was supposed to keep nations together through globalization is now serving as the strongest reason of hurly burly between people around the world and even within countries. The widening gap i s also producing serious consequences for the richer nations. This is because of their growing dependence on the raw materials of the nations of the trinity World. But now these nations have changed their attitudes about how their resources will be used, and paid for. An example of this was the action taken by the oil-producing underdeveloped nations, sending shock waves passim the industrial lands. For many decades, the poorer oil-producing nations had to sell their oil at a relatively cheap price. Recently, these nations banded together and agreed to quadruple their prices. The poor nations have determined down a clear challenge to the rich nations. They will no longer passively accept what the industrial nations have assumed for more than ii centuries.That assumption was that there would always be cheap raw materials available from the poor nations. No longer is this the case. However, the dilemma of the poor nations is that most of them are not blessed with abundant raw mate rials. Most of them lack abundant mineral and oil resources. They are largely agricultural lands, and in bad years, they have slide fastener to fall back on to sell to other nations. Therefore, they will not have the money to buy the food and other things they need to help them in bad years. That is just what is happening now to various countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.The main idea of studying the way people live in the ball club is to see how far they have fared in making their way to progress. However, contrary to the aimed unified progress, development is usually shifted only to the haves. Yes, the world may be patently unfair, equality may even seem too impossible to be achieved, but through a unified effort, having an equal community could still be worked upon by the entire human civilization something that is most needed to avoid possible outburst of civil war. Bibliography Fearon, James. Primary Commodity Exports and Civil War. Journal of affair Resolution, Vo l. 49, No. 4, 483-507 (2005).

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Influence of 16th Century Society on English Literature

The Sixteenth Century (1485-1603) Literary works in sixteenth-century England were rarely if ever created in isolation from other currents in the social and cultural world. The boundaries that divided the texts we now regard as aesthetic from other texts that participated in the spectacles of power or the murderous conflicts of rival religious factions or the rhetorical strategies of erotic and political courtship were porous and constantly shifting.It is perfectly acceptable, treating Renaissance texts as if they were islands of the autonomous literary imagination. One of the greatest writers of the period, Sir Philip Sidney, defended poetry in just such terms the poet, Sidney writes in The Defence of Poetry(NAEL 1. 933-54), is not constrained by nature or taradiddle only when freely ranges only within the zodiac of his own wit. Many sixteenth-century artists, such as Chri taking into custodyher Marlowe, Edmund Spenser, and William Shakespeare, brooded on the magical, transformin g power of art.This power could be associated with civility and virtue, as Sidney claims, exclusively it could also have the demonic qualities manifested by the pleasing words of Spensers enchanter, Archimago (NAEL 1. 63), or by the incantations of Marlowes Doctor Faustus (NAEL 1. 990-1025). It is significant that Marlowes great play was written at a time in which the possibility of sorcery was not merely a theatrical fantasy but a widely shared fright, a fear upon which the state could act with horrendous ferocity.Marlowes tragedy emerges not only from a culture in which bargains with the devil are imaginable as real events but also from a world in which many of the most fundamental assumptions about spiritual life were being called into question by the movement cognise as the reclamation. Catholic and Protestant voices struggled to articulate the precise beliefs and practices thought necessary for the souls salvation.One key site of conflict was the Bible, with Catholic authori ties trying unsuccessfully to stop the circulation of the unauthorized Protestant translation of Scripture by William Tyndale, a translation in which doctrines and institutional structures central to the Roman Catholic church were directly challenged. The Reformation is closely linked to many of the texts printed in the sixteenth-century section of Spensers Faerie Queene (NAEL 1. 628-772), for example, in which a staunchly Protestant knight of Holiness struggles against the satanic forces of Roman Catholicism. textbook The Norton Anthology of English Literature Vol. 1. 6th ed. (NAEL)

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Swing Valley Poem Analysis

Pursue of rapture Contentment can help people move forward, it is also a way of freezing time to connect to the past. To via media to happiness is hardly possible. However in the poem thrill Valley, and the excerpt from Home Place, the speakers are able to find happiness by means of nostalgia. They seem to pursue happiness by recollecting favourable memories from the past, and being in the physical reminiscence that shapes their past. Through the development of the character, Ronald, and the speaker from Swing valley, we are able to apprehend how recollection memories can lead to happiness.When it comes to ecstasy, its not a word in Ronalds dictionary. Though, as he revisits his child-hood memories, everything curtly becomes clear. As Ronald was looking for a companionship in life, he jumped from the frying pan and into the fire. I cant stand it. I cant sleep there no longer. The regret and sorrow hes feeling made him longing for delectation. Through further understanding of Ronald, we realise that he is feeling wishful towards his past, his childhood, and his true passion creating model airplanes. Primarily, he pursued for happiness as he married Darlene, out of lust, and loneliness.For what seemed to Ronald was unattainable, he later discovers that joy was something that actually could be reached by recalling what he loved, rather than what he thought he loved. He found himself under the silhouettes of his model air planes that covered his walls. He found himself understanding the concept of delight. He found himself having minimal interest in anything other than the model air planes that he loved even as a young man. Simple moments such as gravitational loss can help us discover happiness in the present. Ordinary whitethorn have different meanings to different individuals.Some ordinary flashes of nostalgia have helped people renew connections of the past to the present. The descriptiveness of Frank Gaspars Swing Valley shows the readers how much a nostalgic event can sink so deeply to ones memory. Even the precise description of still sitting on the knot, his hands clutching the leash as the bitter end trailed down like a plume of smoke. The speaker has strong feelings of the tense atmosphere that they were in, as he relates it to the moment of release. In life, this is a metaphor of that moment of finally achieving the goal youve trying to accomplish for years.As the speaker recalls that moment, he immediately thinks of the time when hes free of gravity. It wasnt just a rope swing. As Ronald finds joy, he wishes that he should never have left. Regretting how much happier life should have been. The speaker from Swing Valley finds happiness through remembering the wonderful memories of the past and reflects the present with it. These characters discovers the pursuit of happiness as they come across moments of nostalgia, and as theyre longing for their past to compromise their happiness in the present.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Amazon Swot Analysis

The companys positioning and business model * virago is the premier(prenominal) mover of virtual retail supercenter dish outing products which started off from selling only holds online and also offer the lowest possible prices to its customers. * Thus, Amazon is likely to be seen as a broad differentiator who is in the pose of differentiate and cost leaders approaches. * However, it can be seen as more leaning to differentiators as closely of its past and current strategies are focusing more on innovation of services to its customers.For example, Amazon accented for grocery, 1-Click Checkout system, cloud computing and storage etc. * Amazon apply the second approach for food grocery store segmentation it recognize the different customer groups and offers as various products as possible to the customers to attracts more sales and gain more market shares. Successful strategies * First mover of IT retailer shop, popular feature on website such as product reviews, rating * 1-C lick system, Mix purchase, The Amazon Associate program * Growing to sell music CDs, then electronics products and so on. Avoid distribution and posting cost strategy Free shipping hide/promotion, cooperate with B&M companies so buyers can pick up product at B&M stores. * Online services for small to medium business, sell its SOA software services * Zshops for used products, and Amazon blade Service These strategies allowed Amazon to obtain its competitive advantage over its rivals, as its a uncommon and utilize the existing distribution channel and IT services advantages Failure strategies Online auction lost to eBay and the market contract ( fixed-price market booming) * Unbox, Search engine market (track its customer across WWW) * Amazon Prime and Kindle book reader lost to Google free online data storage and iPad These failure strategies result in declining in stock prices and investing funds, which can be huge in some of the project ie. Kindle, It can be seen as inefficien t move which can be avoid if Amazon had done more planning and market research beforehand.Recommendations * Amazon should focus more on cost controlling strategy because the persistent unloosen for Amazon is high value chain cost, such as IT infrastructure cost, innovation investing, and operating cost. * Amazon can also put more effort on proper market research or planning strategy for shareholder interests, as the CEO seem to be having fun to innovate freshly services and learning from the market responses, either good or bad, he seem to be authorize with both as a learning experience.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Hamlet’s Growth Through Soliloquies Essay

Shakespeares The Tragedy of small town, Prince of Denmark is a fabrication of a man searching for his current identity. Shakespeare uses soliloquies to show the readers and audience the true feelings and emotions of small town. All seven soliloquies, from each one slightly different, proclaim small towns inner conflicts and reasons for delaying his revenge. settlement is a very complex character. He doesnt really have it off who he is, but through his soliloquies we can trace Hamlets search for his true identity.In Hamlets opening soliloquy he reveals how he feels towards Claudius and his mother. He is disgusted with the circumstances of their marriage. With such dexterity to incestuous sheets, he proclaims in rage. He does non recognize why his mother married Claudius in such haste, causing such internal torment for himself. duration Hamlet hates Claudius, he loved his gravel very much, and his death has caused him much sorrow. In the beginning lines of this soliloquy Ha mlet has already considered suicide, but he decides to do nothing. His decision not to act starts a slue of procrastination, and these decisions of inactivity will continue to be the main source of his problems throughout his speeches and the play.After talking with his fathers ghost, in the third soliloquy Hamlet is angered by the news that Claudius has murdered his father. Hamlet assures himself that he will think of nothing but revenge. However, he delays his plans, because he is uncertain of the Kings guilt. He finally takes some action when he plans to put on a play that will mirror his fathers murder in order to see the Kings reaction. At the end of the third soliloquy he says, The plays the thing wherein Ill catch the consicience of the king. thus far after the Murder of Gonzago is performed, he takes no action.He begins to feel guilty and is ashamed that he has not avenged his fathers death despite being quite sure of Claudiuss guilt. In the fourth soliloquy Hamlet begins to show signs of madness. He again contemplates suicide, and again he takes no action, this clock time because he is unsure of what occurs after death. Hamlet was very upset with his mother, but he shows that he is not inclined to harm when he says, speak daggers to her, but use none. All these soliloquies show Hamlet as a very passive character who would rather think and talk than fight or kill.In his seventh soliloquy, Hamlet finally gains the courage to avenge his father. It occurs just after a come across with Fortinbras soldiers where he finds out they are going to fight over a worthless peice of land. He feels ashamed that he put off avenging his fathers death for so long. With his newfound determination to he vows, O, from this time forth, my thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth.Through Hamlets soliloquies we are able to understand his true self, not the false facade he portrays to all that know him. We are able to trace his thoughts and emotions from his first passive act up until he finally avenges his father. Hamlets tragic flaw is his inability to act which ultimately leads to the deaths of many characters and lastly himself. Without soliloquies many of Hamlets actions, and reasons for not acting, would make very little sense. They help show Hamlets true feelings and emotions that would otherwise be hidden.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Middle Age

The Middle climb on has been portrayed as a tumultuous period that started from the fall of capital of Italy in 476 AD to the beginnings of the Protestant Reformation in 1517. In spite of all the negative depictions of the period, the two most important contributions of this period are (1) the rise of independent nations out of the fragmentation of the former papistic Empire and (2) the rise of urban towns which eventually became centers of trade and sustained economic activity in europium.Morris Bishop, in the book The Middle seasons, describes this period of European history both as a continuation and a formation. It is a continuation in the sense that it continued the Roman legacy and civilizations, assimilating the barbaric civilizations on the way (Bishop, p. 7). But more importantly, this is a formation, according to Bishop, because out of this period emerged the advanced Europe of our times. emerge of the ashes of the former grandeur that was Rome arose independent nati ons with a common language and tradition. The Carolingian Empire founded by Charlemagne in 800 AD was subdivided into different geographical patches because of inheritance over his grandsons and great grandsons. These geo-political subdivisions of Europe eventually delimitate the boundaries of modern Europe as we now know it. It gave birth to the independent nations of France, England, and the Italian city-states. Moreover, it was during the Middle Age that the masses of the different regions of the former empire railed their vernaculars (from Latin vernaculus, out of ones erect) that eventually became the modern languages.During the height of the Roman Empire, Latin was used as the language of nobility, politics and church. In medieval times, the Christianized barbaric tribes gradually developed their own version of Latin. The geo-political subdivisions mentioned earlier hastened the rise of these vernaculars that would later develop into independent languages of Italian, French , Spanish and Portuguese. With common political background and language, the independent kingdoms arose. The Crusades similarly helped strengthen these newly-created kingdoms by debilitative the hold of the nobility and ending the feudal system, thus making the nobles swear allegiance to the king. Indeed, much of Europes boundaries, geographically and politically, were in essence created during the Middle Age.Economic activity during the early Middle Age was almost halted by the constant wars that plagued the boundaries of the former empire. Transferring goods from one location to another proved dangerous, and with the rise of Moslem armies controlling east of the Mediterranean, trading between the eastern and western regions of the empire declined. The latter part of the mediaeval Period, however, was characterized as a period of relative peace, and even though there were political instabilities, especially at bottom the crumbling Byzantine Empire, trading flourished within co mmercial districts and towns.The medieval towns laid the foundations of trading that now characterize modern economy. The system of economy shifted from the land-based feudalism to that of money-based mercantilism. Merchants emerged, and they engaged in banking, which financed economic activity. Even kings and nobles borrow money from the merchant class, and they were regarded as an important component of the society. With the rise of the merchant class, the material growth led to the fostering of the arts and literature, as these merchants became patrons of the arts and supporters of artists.Citizens engaging in the businesses or the trades established guilds to promote mutual aid and protection, the forerunners of current labor unions. Even the land laborers, who were then very much oppressed, were empowered during this period, as described by Barbara Rosenwein Peasants, like town citizens, gained a new sense of identity and solidarity as they bargained with a lord raw to incre ase his income at their expense (Rosenwein, p. 224).In summary, the Middle Age created a strong and materially innovative Europe. The independent nations of modern-day Europe owes much to the events that occurred during the period between 500 and 1500 AD. The Middle Age also created an atmosphere of active trading and economic activity, which in turn caused proliferation of the arts and culture.Bishop, Morris. The Middle Ages. Houghton Mifflin Books, 2001.Rosenwein, Barbara. A slight History of the Middle Ages. Broadway Press, 2004.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Lifestyle and Sustainability Essay

Lifestyle and Sustain efficiency be two different concepts combined together to describe how people should live nowadays. With the matters like the advancement of modern technology, environmental degradation, and pollution, we now consider the best ways to live our lives without jeopardizing our environment and the future generations. Now, were touch on not only about living in comfort and ease, but also about the sustainability of the demesne we live in, of our environment and our resources. Lifestyle is defined as a way of life, the manner by which a person lives.It involves various behaviors and practices regarding ones social relations, consumption, entertainment, and fashion. These behaviors and practices argon composed of various habits, conventional modes of action, and level-headed actions. Simply put, lifestyle is ones style of living it is very personal and depends on the person who lives it. In relation to lifestyle, we come crosswise the concept of sustainability, w hich literally means to sustain or the ability to maintain certain processes or state. Nowadays, sustainability is often connected to how we gentlemans gentleman beings live.Concerns about the environment, pollution, and shortage of resources have dictated us to apply sustainability in every aspect of our lives (Sustainability reportage Program, 2004). We think of sustainable ways to base our homes, use our natural resources, dress up, and grow our food. Somehow, we have connected sustainability with how we live, and it is now considered as a lifestyle. i important aspect of a sustainable lifestyle is food consumption, and in relation to that, we come across the concern of sustainable means of growing our foods.An important issue is brought up when we talk about sustainable means of growing food, and that is the use of pesticides. We are all familiar about pesticides, because it is the conventional means of eradicating the pests in our homes, properties, plants and crops. Howeve r, the use of certain pesticides is deemed as un-sustainable because of the health risks they carry with them (EurActiv, 2008). It can also affect former(a) organisms in the environment aside from the pests that they kill.To better understand pesticides, we need to know more about them, including the history, benefits, types, and other aspects as well. Pesticides have been employ several thousand years ago, being utilized by humans to cherish their crops and plants from pests (Medline Plus, 2009). One of the first known pesticides used was sulfur dusting in Sumeria. In later centuries, mad used toxic chemics like arsenic, mercury and lead to kill pests. Natural pesticides were also used, like nicotine sulfate extracts from baccy leaves, pyrethrum from chrysanthemums, and rotenone from the roots of tropical vegetables.These pesticides benefited man in several ways. The first, and possibly the most common flat coat for pesticide use are for the protection of crops. Pesticides cont ain potent chemic ingredients which kill or deter insects and other pests that consume and destroy mans crops. Another application of pesticides is disease control, regulating or peremptory the organisms which are considered harmful to health. A good example is the use of pesticides to kill mosquitoes which are known carriers of perverting diseases like dengue fever, west Nile virus, and malaria.Insecticides are also used in killing parasites like fleas and ticks in bigger animals like horses and cattle. It is also used to kill termites that can cause structural damage to our homes and dwellings. Overall, pesticides are used in variety of ways, all for the benefit of humans. We can classify pesticides into two major types, chemical or synthetically prepared pesticide, and biological or biochemical pesticide. We are more familiar with chemical pesticides because theyre the conventional pesticides. These are made from various chemical components, like the ones mentioned earlier.Thi s type of pesticide is easier to produce because of the copiousness of their chemical components, and is more potent and is more effective when it comes to killing the pests. The downside of this type however, is that it has harmful implications to the environment and to human health. The other type of pesticide is the biological or biochemical pesticide. This type is produced from plant extracts which can deter or kill insects. The biological pesticides use the natural enemies of certain plant pests. Other insects and spiders are used because they antecede on these pests, regulating their population naturally.References EurActiv. (2008). Pesticides Tough negotiations ahead as MEPs back bans Retrieved April 14, 2009, from http//www. euractiv. com/en/sustainability/pesticides-tough-negotiations-ahead-meps-back-bans/article-176936 Medline Plus. (2009). Pesticides Retrieved April 4, 2009, from http//www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/pesticides. html Sustainability Reporting Program. (20 04). Pollutants, Sustainability, Health, and Environment. Retrieved April 14, 2009, from http//www. sustreport. org/issues/health_env_pollut. html

Friday, May 17, 2019

Ap Human Geo-Rate of Natural Increase Essay

When a republic has rapid growth such as Uganda it means that its a developing country. A country such as Germany is a developed country because it has a disconfirming rate of natural increase. The rate of natural increase is the crying(a) birth rate minus the crude death rate of a population. The rate of natural increase for Uganda is 3%. The doubling time for Uganda is 23 years. The doubling time for Germany is that ere is no doubling time. This is because Germanys rate of natural increase is -0. 2%. Ugandas GDP is $1,390, GDP is the average salary for one person, in one year. Germanys GDP is $27,820.Ugandas health c atomic number 18 lapseing is $57 per person. The health care spending that one person would spend in Germany is $2,820. The female education in Uganda is 13% that are enrolled in secondary schools, in 2004. Females that are enrolled in secondary schools in 2004, in Germany is 88%. In conclusion Uganda is a developing country and its living measure are poor. Meaning that health care isnt there medical care in Uganda, so they cant spend the funds on it, and even if it was there, well-nigh people in Uganda would not be able to afford it since the GDP is only $1,390 per person, per year.Overall Uganda has women with bantam education, because they stay at home, taking care of the children. Germany is a developed country, with a pretty high standard of life. Intern meaning that health care is in Germany, and most people do spend money on it. Overall Germany has women with an education, meaning more people have money to spend on things. As a whole Germany and Uganda are very different counties, and have very different living standards.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Issues in management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Issues in management - search ExampleCSR becomes a focus for an organisation as it is believed that it can enhance profitability and build a positive social reputation for the business.It has been asserted that the idea of CSR is that purchase order and the business are inter-connected and not disparate individuals, hence society maintains anticipation that a business will illustrate appropriate behaviours and outputs beneficial to society (Wood 1991). This essay will debate socially-related issues of corporate social responsibility in recounting to the fashion retail merchant Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F), an organisation providing apparel merchandise to youth markets in the UK and the United States. The essay provides a scathing debate on the theories and models of CSR with primary emphasis on the ethical responsibilities of a firm to society and their relation to the socially-related problems at Abercrombie & Fitch currently plaguing this retailer.Abercrombie & Fitch is a U.S.-he adquartered retailer providing casual fashion merchandise targeted at the 18 to 22 year-old female and male market demographic. The firms product line consists of T-shirts, jeans, hoodies and fragrances germane(predicate) to this market. Prior to the year 2012, A&F had achieved explosive revenue growth and had managed to build considerable client loyalty against major competitors such as The Buckle, Chicos, Eagle Outfitters and Aeropostale. The companys market share and rootage measure began to plummet in 2012 and the business was forced to close hundreds of stores as a result of low consumer interest in purchasing products from the firm (Eaton 2014 Covert 2014). In October 2011, the firms stock was valued at nearly $80 USD per share and, by November 2014, the firm witnessed its stock plunge to a value of only $28.98 (Yahoo Finance 2014). From the shareholders perspective, Abercrombie & Fitch was no longer providing the wealth and profitability pass judgment by investors. Howe ver, why was this occurring so

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 49

Case Study ExampleThis assess chain management ensures timely delivery of the products in the merchandise. Moreover, the products are low bell and relatively affordable.Zara is has a customer-centered approach to the market. Besides having to consider great value and quality, the companionship also uses its resources to ensure that the products reaching the customers is at low cost. Providing fashion at low cost has remained one of the alliances strength and the means behind the market share claim.The target market for the clothing is the customers with medium to high purchasing power. This includes those individuals who are fashion conscious and who want to look stylish at all times. In my opinion, this helps the company to compete well with other fashion companies in the world. existence customer-centered, the company has market researchers in every part of the world where their presence is felt. This allows the company to respond straightway to consumers needs. Further, the company has focused on research-based designing and innovativeness. This helps to create brands that the consumers can appreciate and that are ready to sustain their attention and hence compete well in the market (Kumar, 2005).The success of any company depends on both the internal and external environment of the organization. Zara Company has a strong organization structure that ensures its success. With a well-structured management and a long-time experience in the market, the company has an easy time navigating the market and creating new environments. The companys presence in 74 countries in the world also contribute to its success. This is because for a company to be successful. It must be able to secure a wide customer base that willing ensure maximum and consistent source of revenue. This expansive strategy has allowed the company to be relevant to the uphill markets and to create a market share for itself as compared to many of the

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Depends on the movie Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Depends on the movie - Coursework ExampleThe most life-and-death query is your comfort and preference, disregarding common stereotypes and prejudices. This main image is set forth in preferably extraordinary movie The Kids are All Right by Lisa Cholodenko, which tells the story about untraditional get married couple. With a help of artificial insemination, Nic and Jules have managed to build full and amicable family, raising two children, eighteen-year-old Joni and fifteen-year-old Laser. The verbalize movie shows the availability of alternative ways of reproduction, implying todays solutions and possibility to have kids in same-sex union. The rumor of Paul Hatfield, a donor that appears in familys life so abruptly, saying, I loved the idea of helping people, who were in need (Horowitz, 2010), accentuate mutual assistance and support, which people have to give each other more frequently. Though in nineteen-year-old age Pauls intentions, obviously, could be called mercenary, bec ause he admits the employment of maternal factor, however, being a grown-up person, Mister Hatfield realizes the importance and nobility of his deed, calling to follow his example. Relationships within the family seem to be quite ordinary. Being too serious and demanding all the time, Nic plays the role of the head that makes decisions and gives pieces of advice.

Monday, May 13, 2019

I will attach four pictures and i want an essay of 6 paragraphs

I will attach four pictures and i want an of 6 paragraphs Intoduction, and personify of 4 paragraphs description of the pictures and conclusion - Essay ExampleThe above painting, New Mexican Pueblo, was d whiz by Frank P. Sauerwein. The painting is a representation of an Indian lifestyle setting where the onetime(a) would seat with the childlike and educate them on life issues. I selected this painting for inclusion in MyartLabs History 6th random variable since it signifies a very important cultural practice among the Indians. The Indians are today marked as one ethnic group that has retained its culture and whose people still value the importance of morality peculiarly among the childlike people (Maria et al 134). With such a painting in this edition, both the young and the old will be reminded on the importance of upholding their culture and the role that the old have on educating the young people as they grow up. The painting will serve as an educational and cultural shit in the MyartLabs History.The 2nd thing that I would want included in this section is the San Juan Pueblo clay hammock. The pitcher is white in color with black designs to show the traditional beliefs of the Mexican people. The reason for this inclusion is that the brandish will serve to remind us how our ancestors preserved their water. This is in comparison of todays readily available bottled water which is believed to contain minerals. This ceramic is an indication of how much man has changed his lifestyle to cope with the ever-changing technological advancements of the 21st century.Thomas Worthington Whittredge is well known for his In the Rockies scratch. This form captures the vast plains along the Platte River. This sculpture serves to remind us how the world was before civilization occurs. It captures the real beauty of the world with a pass holding a gun possibly getting ready for hunting. It would best fit into the historical condition of the edition as a constant re minder of the adverse changes that modernization has caused to our environment. In the cultural context, the sculpture serves to remind us of the simple lives that our ancestors once

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sales Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Sales Management - raise ExampleDirect mail incorporating an 800 number can be utilized similarly to the Yellow Pages, as can advertising in many other media. Outbound telemarting takes many forms, but it or so resembles traditional, unsolicited door-to-door sales. Contacts are made through cold calls (random), warm calls (referrals) or hot calls (customer-initiated requests for information)2. For example, manufacturers who were to begin with communicating with customers through nonintegrated billets are now finding it is possible to reach them likewise through tele grocery storeing efforts at a substantially lower live than other integrated channel alternatives. In this case, manufacturers increase their channel control by adding an additional in-house channel ( telemarketing) while keeping cost efficiency high through the application of information technology. At the same time, firms must move with safeguard as the increase in integration is likely to go in less flexibilit y. However, the net result is that new technologies allow firms to enter customer segments much more easily than before. In other words, market entry barriers are no longer so high, as new technologies enable firms to enhance market coverage while containing costs3. Both indicate selling and direct marketing make wide use of telemarketing techniques. Studies noted earlier show that the public perceives some disadvantages in buying from a telemarketing firm. Evidence also exists that image questions still haunt the perceived legitimacy (e.g., pyramids) and ethical propriety of direct selling, as well of selling in general4. Major negative factors attributed to telemarketing by a pass through section of consumers are high-pressure selling, unreliable salespeople, and loss of contact after the sale. While some instances of these behaviors doubtless exist, they are far from endemic to the industry. These image problems should be addressed and alleviated job satisfaction, commitment, and productivity and

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Why so many people eat fast food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Why so many people eat dissolute nutrient - Essay ExampleThis mixed bag in lifestyle has interfered with their time for finding or preparing tidy food. The remaining option is reaching out for the fast food, which will save time. Likewise, women who were entitled to prepare food for their families are also competing in the job grocery stores. They happen to secure popular titles in the job market thereby limiting their time for preparing food for their families. This change in lifestyle happens to be a remarkable reason as to why or so people prefer fast food in most nations (Smith 7).Ideally, the current generation has proved to access extra finances compared to the past generation. The availability of money probes individuals to develop at the fast food joints and take anything ready. This also has a significant impact on the advance statistics on fast food consumption. As people access more money, they tend to eat away their homes more often. Eating outside means taking food from a fast food eatery thus increasing the statistics as to why individuals take fast food (Taylor, Funk and Craighill).Finally even importantly, the statistics for fast food consumption is on the rise because of the modern life. Most food industries have good in their marketing strategies, and this probe people to change their eating habits. This concern with the advertising agencies, which make adverts on the fast food on media. Families will always want to taste new things due to change in their desire. Likewise, the moral advice on the food choice continues to slow down as the hosts have exceptional time with their family, thus exposing them to poor choices of food. This modern lifestyle altogether changed the eating habits of most people in the family most of them relying on fast food as the main alternative (Taylor, Funk and Craighill).Change of forage can have a serious impact to the lives of consumers in many perspectives.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Do William Morris' ideas, ideals, and influences in arts and crafts Essay

Do William Morris ideas, ideals, and influences in arts and crafts have any relevance today - quiz ExampleThe real origins of Victorian art revival is believed to have started in the late eighteenth nose candy and when Morris came to the scene, the revival was already in motion and he was not the originator of it. In the post-Napoleonic period, there was fermentation in the European air and the younger people lived in expectation of another revolution. Things were fairly unsealed when the Victorian revival was initiated. Morris wrote The Defence of Guin incessantlye and other poems while painting frescoes for the Oxford Union. The pre-Raphaelite group and their company, Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. brought revolution in designs, carpets, wall papers, furniture, tapestries etc. there was a complete revolution in public taste. Morris also wrote prose give care the Life and Death of Jason, The Earthly Paradise, Volksunga Saga, political writings like Death Song, Chants for Soci alists, The Pilgrims of Hope, Dream of John Ball, intelligence service from Nowhere. Later, he was more dedicated to Socialism and wrote Socialism, its growth and outcome, Manifesto of English Socialists, The Wood beyond the World, nearly at the Worlds End.Beauty, which is what is meant by art, using the word in its widest sense, is, I contend, no virtuous accident to human life, which people can take or leave as they choose, but a positive necessity of life said William Morris, The Beauty of Life, 1880Considered to be the most creative artist Britain had ever produced he pervaded all the fields including weaving, embroidering, dyeing, calligraphy, translating, preserving architecture and even working as a businessman. His legacy has lived on after his death and his protg Henry Dearle carried on his work influencing artists and designers with Morriss ideals. Morris was supposed to have uttered the fear that his work would not leave any future impact. It was not so and has proved some(prenominal) times that the art and craft induced by Morris

Thursday, May 9, 2019

A research proposal with a project management plan Essay

A research proposal with a project management plan - undertake ExampleThe council does so by ensuring that the registration system of nurse is not compromised as well as necessary guidance and intervention in the nursing discipline. However, this is on the technical bit. Availability of personnel testament be the prerequisite for the application and the effectiveness of this councils effort in meeting their mandate. But approachability is the main problem in the whole nursing profession in the globe. This raises the need for a vi suitable plan that Nursing Council of Hong Kong can apply to checker that the available RN is well utilized and is able to meet the raising need for health care in Hong Kong society.The scope of this research project is to assume a nursing program that allow be implemented through Nursing Council of Hong Kong. Therefore, all the registered nurses as well as upcoming nurses form the scope of this project. The nurses to be interviewed and the focus gro up discussion groups will be developed from the already existing list of registered nurses in Nursing Councils database and nursing students emails in the universities data base. Among the issues to be considered when sampling will be nursing experience level of the respondents, cost and snip constraints as well as accountability and program orientations.Nursing is the main pillar of any health system in the world (Jamison, 2006, p.1). The nature of training and the kind of work done by nurses makes the impression of patients healing and recovery. Nurses remain with the patient long after the doctors have left to ensure that the patients are comfortable as well as are able to take medication incontrovertible by the doctors. Healthcare thus needs more nurses than any other healthcare practitioner.Hong Kong nursing workforce is majorly dominated by female (Chan, 2012, p. 15). These nurses are required by law to be enrolled and registered for practice. However, the levels of nurses registration in Hong

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Liturgy Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Liturgy Religion - Essay ExampleReading the verses from the Gospel has been a custom observed by the churches for centuries, where it is performed period standing at the seats, though the Bible is listened to by the people be Liturgy while sitting on their seats It has frequently been witnessed that churches follow different religious traditions while delivering sermon during liturgy sometimes, the priests deliver sermons, called homily, by concentrating upon the verses recited from the Gospel (Chadwick, 1975, p.259) . Similarly, many a times, the priests select the verses from one or more of the sixty two Books of Holy Bible to include in the church service as homily. Although the church ministers and priests had established the church decorum in the aftermath of Pauls first letter to the church of Corinth (Latourette, 1975, p.196) , yet apostles and saints had not defined one specific rule to be applied associate to homily. Consequently, both these traditions are followed by the ministers and priests at the churches. ... Consequently, homily in the UK churches contains the parts of Gospel al run downy read by the attendants while standing. The supporters of applying the verses from Gospel in homily are of the opinion that since Eucharist is not be intimate without Gospel interlingual rendition, and thus reading the same is compulsory and mandatory, continuation of the identical part of the Holy tidings would be beneficial in understanding the verses already studied en masse earlier. Secondly, it is actually the Gospel, which could be stated to be narrating the sacred life of Jesus rescuer, which the Old and New Testaments are unable to transgress account of. Moreover, being the sum of the message of the Christian Faith, according to Damascene, and especially the good news that Christ has saved mankind from the eternal consequences of sin, that He has overcome the central problem of the worlddeath, both tangible and spiritualby means of His Incarnatio n, Death, and Resurrection, all have been described in the four books of Gospel (2009, p.223)5. Since the is no other source more authentic, powerful and accurate than the Gospel, which could provide a detailed account of the life, sayings and journeys attributed to Christ, reading the same is the best possible way of communicating Christs holy message to his following (Littleton, 2001, p.106)6. For instance, the Bible is unable to provide a detailed overview of the Sermon on the Mount, on which the foundation of the sanctioned moral teachings of Christian faith is erected. Hence, the Christians have to consult chapter 5, 6 and 7 from the Gospel of Matthews7 in auberge to get acquainted with the sacred message the Holy Christ has communicated to entire humanity. Furthermore, it is Gospel that elucidates his noble mission, dumbfounding miracles,

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Incidents in the life of a slave girl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Incidents in the life of a slave girl - Essay ExampleRock, she never loses her ego esteem or her yearning to have an ordinary home and gang. She is dedicated to her kids and eager to persist impressive languishing over their purpose.As an adolescent slave young lady of fifteen years, Linda is compelled to pick between the ideals imparted by her abundantly regarded Grandmother and her have to declare herself sexually to stay away from further oppression. While Linda succeeds in staying away from large portions of Dr. Stones developments, she is given a last final offer when he guarantees to fabricate a cabin for her. As opposed to permitting Dr. Stone to succeed finally in stomping his victimized person under his feet (Jacobs 53), Linda revolts and offers herself to Mr. Sands. This activity defiles the blamelessness and righteousness ingrained by her family and Linda must battle with the distress I was obstetrical delivery on my grandma. (Jacobs 56). Yet this distress is not stron ger than Lindas longing to win over her ace. At the point when Linda at long last revels in her minute of triumph, it is shadowed by the information that her family will take in of her shrouded undertaking and lost guiltlessness (Jacobs 56). Emulating her admission, Lindas grandma uncovers that she might rather see her granddaughter dead than in her menstruation state, pregnant and unwed (Jacobs 56).This brutal feeling must be tempered by the verifiable connection. chthonian the law of bondage, a slave ladys kids must take after their mother into servitude. Moreover, both slaves and whites set implausible essentialness upon the establishment of marriage. Hence, when Linda entreats her grandma for absolution and relates her battles with Dr. Flint, she must settle for the old ladys compassion (Jacobs 57). For Linda, her subversive triumph has a go at a heavy cost her grandmas appreciation.This compassion for the fallen granddaughter differentiates the pardoning the grandma gives to her child,

Monday, May 6, 2019

The aftermath of earthquakes in Haiti, like the hurricane in New Essay

The outcome of earthquakes in Haiti, standardised the hurricane in New Orleans a few years ago, reveals both humanitarian aid and looting and violence - Essay ExampleThe aftermath of earthquakes in Haiti has much to do with the prevailing conditions there, before the earthquake. The effectiveness of the succor operations depends upon not wholly with the organizations involved in relief work, , but also with the adaptability of the people to achieve the best use of the relief supplies. What be the ground realities in Haiti? Joseph Francis Bentivegna writes, Institutional corruption siphons off foreign aid, so the needy are never helped. High export taxes discourage peasants from growing popular crops while politically influential families make huge profits because they are exempt from paying taxes. (Introduction....) This being the mentality of the ruling class(bureaucrats and politicians) the chances of people acquiring a fair share of the relief materials are dim. The after-e ffects of the magnitude 7.00 earthquake are staggering. The damage is massive. logistical challenges hamper the relief efforts. Rescue teams from all over the world have arrived and co-coordinating their work is itself a bulky task. According to Red Cross estimates, 50,000 deaths have occurred and morgues have no place for the bodies. Bodies are strewn in the streets like rotten vegetables. Utter confusion prevails. Day by day, the situation is going from bad to worse. Food is in short supply, security is sparse, medical supplies are in great demand

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Community Paper - Assignment B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Community Paper - Assignment B - Essay ExampleIndividuals can also operate to psychological communities, which call for personal interaction governed by sentiments of trust, collaboration, and altruism. This definition by Aristotle expanded to acknowledge that the terra firma has contracted into a global village. One characteristic of such a connection is bringing in concert of isolated individuals giving rise to communities which are unrestricted by geographical location. With the emergence of information engine room there has been a creation of networks and cyber communities that link organizations and individuals across the globe through the internet irrespective of bailiwick boundaries (Stuckey, 2008). A community is a network of self-organized individuals with a customary cause, agenda, or interest and these individuals collaborate by sharing information, ideas, and other resources with an aim of progression. In this regard, virtual communities consist of individuals in a n online discussion on matters of putting green concern, or of those who frequent a certain website for such purposes as socialization. This, therefore, implies that a community is a practice bundling of individuals with a common interest that arise from their association. An instance of a community is a college community, which involves individuals attending college. A neighborhood community comprises of people who live in a neighborhood and an online community made up of members of a certain website such as Facebook. Characteristics of a community The common defining characteristics of a community have common components, which are the people in the community, social interaction, common ties, and a rank. Stuckey (2008), notes that the most inborn characteristic of a community is the people People The people in a community involve a group of individuals who possess common initiatives. These individuals identify themselves with a thing or event that is large than the summation o f their individual relationships. A community must have people, and without this fundamental characteristic, a collection of all other thing cannot qualify as a community. These people can also be a group entity who have a common identity or are located within both(prenominal) defined boundaries. A community can, however, be restricted by limited membership to the community, but the individuals in the community must have some relationship with to each one other often because of a common ground. Rituals, social agreements, and social policies must govern the people in a community. These policy agreements and rituals ensure that each member of the community is valued. The people in a community are often organized harmonize to the roles they play in the community. Sociability of the people in a community generates content for the community (McMillan & Georg, 2006, p.130). In the college community, this characteristic of people characterizes the students and the college staff. These individuals are guided by the college rules and follow the social agreements put in place by the college. Emergence of roles also emerges in such a community where the roles of the staff and that of the students are distinctly differentiated. Online communities also have the characteristic of people and are exemplified by the participants in the discussion or members of a website. It is only real people who can form a virtual community and it are necessary to note that computer robots, despite their abilities to engage in activities similar to that of